Atlantic Salmon Fishing in Russia

Did you ever want to catch Atlantic salmon? Not just to fish, but really to catch – and not one or two in a week, but 5, 10 or more a day? It is hard to find a more prestigious trophy for a fly fisherman than the Atlantic salmon. There is no better location for Atlantic salmon fishing than the Northern provinces of European Russia: Kola Peninsula, Karelia and the Archangelsk region. Many experts consider the quality of Atlantic salmon fishing in Kola Peninsula similar to that 100 years ago in the New England States, and the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. The long distances of these regions from large cities, the sparse population, and the low level of human activity, guarantee high intensity of fishing that is, indeed, can’t be match elsewhere. In Kola Peninsula, we offer fishing on the rivers Umba, Belousiha, Varzuga and others, in Northern Karelia on the Keryet and Kyem rivers. Good accommodations and food complement this trip, creating a pleasant vacation. Sergei Shushunov and his team will offer package to accomodate different bugets.

Please contact us for more information.
Sergei Shushunov